Monday, May 23, 2011

Too Funny

In case you missed it, last Tuesday, presidential runner, Newt Gingrich was glitter bombed in Minneapolis.  The GOP former speaker of the house, had a book signing stop in Minneapolis, and was covered by glitter confetti by gay-rights activists.  A protester shouted to "feel the rainbow Newt", "stop anti-gay politics".  The glitter bomber was escorted off the property.

I found it amazing that Newt's wife Callista, was sitting there the whole time and didn't receive any of the glitter, cause according to Newt's $500,000 bill he owes to Tiffany Co., Callista likes sparkly things!
Arnold Schwarzenegger has made some baby's momma drama, and it's not from his "baby momma".  Put plainly, Arnold likes his house extra clean!  Earlier this week, Arnold admitted to an affair with his maid, who worked for the family for two decades.  A child was born out of the affair, who is almost the same age as Arnold's son with Maria Shriver.  Arnold has kept this secret, for years, even throughout his Governor role and his marriage.

Considering the downward spiral of this "Terminators" good looks, I hope this affair was started during his "Predator" days!
Call your local cable provider and request this match……Kirk Cameron vs. Stephen Hawkings.  Okay, maybe I just want to see this happen, but former child star from "Growing Pains", turned religious spokesman, has taken to Facebook to openly object to scientist Stephen Hawking.  Hawkings is a theoretical physicist, with a motor neuron disease which has paralyzed him.  Hawkings successful teachings, include theories into the human mind, time and space, the universe and black holes.  Recently Cameron was outraged over Hawking's writings on "there is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers, that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark".  
If you like Cameron's page on Facebook,  you can read his objection to Hawking's theory.  I personally am rooting for Hawkings, cause Cameron didn't do it for me.  I am sick of seeing him in Lifetime movies, and I always watched "Alf" and Dukes of Hazzard,  when I was a kid, but judge for yourself.
Speaking of Facebook, just when you think people in our country couldn't get any more mainstream obsessed, don't worry, these weird birds are from Israel.  Israeli couple Lior and Vardit Adler, have decided to name their baby after the Facebook button "Like".  This sweet baby girl, will have the namesake of a button you click when you like the information, or picture postings on Facebook.  The couple thought the name would be "short and sweet"  and "modern and innovative". 

If your confused, don't worry, so will every kid in this girl's kindergarten class.  I would of personally named the baby "Tag", but the name resembles "Trig" too much.

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