Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Class Warfare

"There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning." 

As the stock market took a tank during the last couple of weeks, experts are weighing in the outcomes of the investments lost.  The local and state governments, who invest their pensions and 401-K, will likely feel the affects of the loss.  Without new revenue, states will have to further delay fixing roads, bridges, possible loss of food inspection, less money for the poor and elderly, FEMA assistance, cuts to public schools, more people without health insurance etc.  So when is it time for the rich to pay their fair share?
The top 2% hold the wealth of our country? And guess what…..they are coming to claim what little you do have, for their very own.  Sound insane?  Consider this….US millionaires hold at least $45.9 trillion of the wealth, and they are expected to see a 225% increase in their wealth to $87.1 trillion, by 2020.  There will be no thank you, as they let the decline of the United States, fall on solely the backs of the poor.  They will hold little to no tax responsibility (thanks to their political ties and Grover Norquist's insane tax pledge).  The richest 400 people in the US have as much wealth as 154 million Americans combined.  Poverty and low income has become a norm.  In every town across the United States, you will see abandoned and foreclosed homes, food pantries that are running short on supplies, coffee cans on gas station counters instead of health insurance.  In fact 64% of American don't have enough money for a $1,000 emergency.  

If your not angry over the income inequality in our country, then you must be one of the numbers that believes your proverbial wealth ship will soon come in.  Unfortunately, fairy tales aren't true, and make believing isn't going to make it so.  Turning your head, or raging against the poorest amongst us, will only make matters worsen.  47.8 million people live in poverty in the United States.  "At an yearly income of $22,350 for a family of four, 58.5% of most Americans, will spend a year below the poverty line at some point between ages  of 25 and 75" ~Wikipedia
At these stagnant wages, and even if you double them an account for both parents working minimum wage jobs, this is still low income levels at $40,793 according to WIC guidelines.  

I can't even fathom giving these greedy billionaires their Bush tax cuts, with estate tax exemptions of up to $5 million for individuals and $10 million for couples.  Enough is enough, it is time for the rich to pay their fair share.  I am sure they consider buying their Lamborghinis and diamond tennis bracelets from Tiffanys, as stimulating the economy and paying luxury tax, but the poor who eat ramen noodles and feed their children cold cereal for dinner, do not.  Even someone who has a modest amount of savings, and cannot comprehend the dire situation of the poor and low income, must surely see that they too, are out of this tax break loop the super rich are in.  
The separation of the rich and the poor, is becoming wider and wider, and the poor are becoming larger in numbers than anyone can comprehend.  Now is the time for compassion and tenderheartedness, not disgust and disgrace.  Our numbers are large, so get up, stand up, but please….do something! 

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